Friday, 21 September 2012

Waves during 2D fieldwork

Below are data from the offshore rider buoy for the period between September 14 and 21, 2012. Graphs taken from Instituto Hidrográfico.

Significant wave height (blue) and maximum wave height (red).

Average  wave period (blue) and maximum period (red).

Less than 1 m significant wave height, with 5 s average wave period is not enough, even during equinoctial tides that reach 1.5 m above MSL (mean sea level).
Nevertheless, for those of us who stayed at the beach during those long hours, the parameter below was very important!

Water temperature.

Yes, yes, the ADP, PTs and our bodies confirm: 23 degrees water temperature during the afternoon. GREAT!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. This work has finished, therefore I don't think there will be any other post...
