Thursday, 23 May 2013

2D Fieldwork, second try

Waves were expected to exceed 3.0 m height  and high tides were more than 1m above MSL, for 22 and 23 February 2013. Yupi!!! We're going to measure overwash.
Lots of stuff to do: charging equipment batteries (only for the GPS there are 4 different batteries to charge), lanterns batteries, check equipment and tools lists, packing the van, buying food, programming equipment, renting the boat and skipper.
OK, we're ready.
We went 1 day ahead to put everything in place to start deploying the instruments at 4:30 in the morning.

Base camp on top of the dunes.
All stations were mounted successfully during the early morning, during the low tide.
Below are some photos of the stations.

GPS base.

Station 3.

Station 4.

Station 5.

Stations 7, 6, 5 and 4 (from left to right).

 But, unfortunately, there were only a few small overwash events.

One of the few overwash events.

Not good enough. We tried during 2 days, and then the waves just dropped. The problem was that we didn't had enough tide level. Maybe next time...

Data were not good but we kept a friendly spirit.

Happy to be doing fieldwork.

The cold and wind was not so funny.

Cleaning everything at the end was also a major task.

Cleaning the equipment and materials after fieldwork. Five people during almost 9 hours.

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